Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Kinda Bendy

Welcome to Kinda Bendy. My blog about all things yoga related. Thanks for taking the time to view this.

How I came up with the name. Every once in a while, I seem to encounter some sleazy guy who upon learning I'm a yogi and single, will respond with: "Wow, you must be really 'bendy' (limber, flexible)". Then will make references to the Kama Sutra or Tantra. Somehow, they have the misconception that yogis are just going to hop into bed with them. I thought it would be fun to turn that idea on it's head and say I am bendy! (Kinda). Another misconception is that you do have to be a contortionist to begin with to even attempt yoga. I can assure you, that is not me. I'm flexible in parts of my body and very limited in others. So, there you go, I'm Kinda Bendy.

Which leads me to what one of my main objectives for this blog is. There are a lot of misconceptions as to what yoga is and what it can do for you. I hope to clear some of that up for you and bring a better understanding. Along with that, I will share some general info, fun things and some of my own personal experiences on this path.

At my home studio, You Do Yoga, there is a chant we recite at teacher training. It in part goes:
                      Tejas vinaavaditam astu
                      Maa vidvishaavahai

                       May the light of understanding spread without limit
                       May we never oppose one another

My intention is to help us all learn and grow. So I ask that any comments, feedback or questions that you have are always respectful. No internet trolls, please! Feel free to follow this blog, tell people about it, give suggestions for topics you would like discussed.


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